Coffee Time Conversations – It’s been a dream of mine for 10+ years. I first bought the URL around a decade ago, not knowing what I’d do with it, but knowing I had to have it. I’ve thought of several things to do with it over the course of those years, but this is the first time I’ve taken any steps toward it.

It wasn’t until I started considering writing freelance articles for local newspapers that I thought about doing video interviews with local people about their lives. They might be business people in the DFW metroplex or our next door neighbor. Either way they would have words of encouragement, inspiration and insight that people would otherwise not receive. Over the course of a couple of months the plan started to shift and I was also going to use it as my blog, then just a few weeks later it shifted to a podcast idea, where it currently lives.

But instead of me pursuing it alone, my wife has joined the show as co-host and the show is so much better because of it. It’s been a journey to get to this point, and it will continue to be, I don’t doubt that. We hope you’ll join the conversation with us, either on the podcast, or here with my writing, or heck…why not both?

I’m glad you’re here and I’m glad to be here. How can I help?